Natural Cures to Help Get Rid of Acne

By Dina Field

To find the most effective acne home remedies, you'll have to do research and experiment. You shouldn't be testing remedies simultaneously; test them one after the other. Done this way, you can tell which treatment works and which one doesn't. Below you'll find a few acne home remedies that people have used for years and have proven to be effective.

Some ingredients you may need to purchase online or at a health food store. So keep reading if you'd like to know more about the most effective home treatments for acne.

Another natural acne remedy is green tea and it is believed to stop acne breakouts. The potent antioxidants in green tea, specifically EGCG, protect the cells as well as help remove the toxins from the body. Not only is green tea wonderful for the skin, it can also boost metabolism and lower blood pressure.

The amount of data and information regarding skin care reviews can be a bit intimidating if you have not read so much about it, yet. What is also exciting to us is coming to a full realization of how important it is to be fully aware of all the various implications. When you begin to see, we tend to feel you will not only have a greater appreciation for what is going on, but you will be able to use that as leverage. Knowledge really does empower people, when they use it, and yes we know that may sound a little cliche. It is natural for us humans to want to have some degree of command over the events and situations in our lives.

One of the simplest and least expensive acne treatments of all is using ice. In fact, it shouldn't cost you anything but your time filling the ice trays and sticking them in the freezer. For treating many types of inflammation, ice if often used. This makes ice an excellent treatment for inflammatory acne. An ice pack or ice cubes in a cloth is recommended. Your skin will become irritated if you apply ice directly onto the skin. Apply the ice for 5 minutes or up to 10 minutes but no more than that. You can do this as often as you want throughout the day, especially when new pimples are forming. This treatment works best when you apply it in the early stages of acne. This will keep the acne from growing or becoming inflamed.

Did you know that ice is an acne treatment? You won't have to pay for this unless you don't have a freezer at home. Ice works well in reducing inflammatory acne. An ice pack or ice cubes in a cloth is recommended. Your skin will become irritated if you apply ice directly onto the skin. This acne treatment is quick too -- just use it for 5 minutes and you're good to go. Do this several times per day when you notice acne pimples starting to form. This home remedy is most effective when used when the acne is still in the early stages. Doing so can stop the inflammation. You've learned a few alternative acne treatments that are not just effective but inexpensive as well. Home remedies for acne are effective for mild cases of acne. Severe cases, however, should be treated by a doctor. Note, too, that the majority of natural acne cures are safe to use and cheap, so there really aren't any serious risks to trying them out.

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