Picking a college major is probably the hardest choices anyone under 20 will have to make; second only to picking an actual university. As if it could get more stressful, you decide to make the unpopular decision of becoming an art major. Know this: you are not alone! Here are a few tricks of the trade on how to survive as an art major.
Never question your love for your craft. Despite what other people say and think, do what you love. It's not helping or hurting anyone else but you. Therefore, disregard anything negative people say; they're haters. (Bye, Felicia!)
Give your best effort. Never compare your singing, acting, painting, etc. to anyone else's ability. It may be tough to ignore the competition when you have critiques weekly, but as long as you're working hard and making small improvements, nothing and no one else matters.
Accept your failures. The only way we can grow as individuals is by learning from our mistakes. Therefore, welcome failures and critiques with open arms because it means you have an opportunity to improve and work harder to achieve your goal.
Leave your options open. Becoming a fine art major does not guarantee you to become the next Pablo Picasso. That does NOT mean you cannot strive to reach that goal; however, leave other options open. What's that saying about putting all your eggs in one basket? Right, don't.
Enjoy your years in school. You have four years, 8 semesters (hopefully), to put out your best work. This may be your last time on stage or painting or doing whatever it is you love before you go off and do whatever you're meant to do. So do it well.
If you're in high school choosing between schools or in college choosing between majors, the choice is never easy. However, keep in mind, you are not alone. Also, if it helps you sleep at night, keep in mind that so many people go on to have successful careers after having studied art in college.- So when someone is giving you the business about your choice, just smile and nod singing your favorite show tunes to yourself and know how wrong they are.
Never question your love for your craft. Despite what other people say and think, do what you love. It's not helping or hurting anyone else but you. Therefore, disregard anything negative people say; they're haters. (Bye, Felicia!)
Give your best effort. Never compare your singing, acting, painting, etc. to anyone else's ability. It may be tough to ignore the competition when you have critiques weekly, but as long as you're working hard and making small improvements, nothing and no one else matters.
Accept your failures. The only way we can grow as individuals is by learning from our mistakes. Therefore, welcome failures and critiques with open arms because it means you have an opportunity to improve and work harder to achieve your goal.
Leave your options open. Becoming a fine art major does not guarantee you to become the next Pablo Picasso. That does NOT mean you cannot strive to reach that goal; however, leave other options open. What's that saying about putting all your eggs in one basket? Right, don't.
Enjoy your years in school. You have four years, 8 semesters (hopefully), to put out your best work. This may be your last time on stage or painting or doing whatever it is you love before you go off and do whatever you're meant to do. So do it well.
If you're in high school choosing between schools or in college choosing between majors, the choice is never easy. However, keep in mind, you are not alone. Also, if it helps you sleep at night, keep in mind that so many people go on to have successful careers after having studied art in college.- So when someone is giving you the business about your choice, just smile and nod singing your favorite show tunes to yourself and know how wrong they are.